It's me! Welcome to my little corner of the Internet. I’m Joline! No… Not the one mentioned in that Dolly Parton song (even though I’ve heard that joke probably a thousand times by now). It’s not even the same spelling! Oh well.

I have a confession to make: I’m a nerd! A geek even! And I’m proud of it. For quite a few years I’ve been working in tech support at a webhosting company, and before that I was doing a PhD in Biophysics! Nowadays I’m responsible for creating FAQ articles and video guides for the same webhosting company. You can find the videos here (albeit they’re all narrated in Swedish).

In my spare time I create music together with my lovely wife. We have a music project together named Last Dying Daylights and you find our website at

Here are a few other music snippets where I’m involved:

Dreamworld (intro)

You are Never Alone (excerpt)

Golden Horizon (excerpt)

By the Eastern Shore (excerpt)

Theme is copyright © 2019 Radosław Kozieł (@panr) and modified by me.